Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Free book

There's nothing like a free ride, my husband assures me, and although most practical logic does rarely apply to the realm of the written word, I'm tempted to state that I haven't read 'The Choir Boats' yet.

But it's free for you to download, seems interesting enough (if you're the kind that finds young fiction interesting) and has a beautiful cover. Oh, and Pratham recommends it too.

Quote - The Choir Boats by Daniel A Rabuzzi has been described as 'vibrant' and rich with 'verve and wit'. It is a seagoing fantasy yarn that is like Gulliver's Travels crossed with The Golden Compass and a dollop of Pride and Prejudice. - Unquote

For downloading a free pdf of the book, go here.

I'm staring to read it now, so tell me if you like it.


Swati said...

Tell me what its like please! I briefly glanced at it, and saw the word 'dark' somewhere, maybe even gothic, and backed out!

Daniel A. Rabuzzi said...

Hello, and thank you for posting about my novel!

I am *thrilled* to discover that The Choir Boats is finding readers in the great continent of India! Incidentally, one of my main characters is from Mumbai (or in her day, Bombay)...

I do hope you'll let me know what you think.

Daniel (the author)