CEE, the Centre of Environment Education, is one of Ahmedabad's most cherished institutions. I've had several chances of working with the people there, and the campus, designed by the delightful Professor Neelkanth, is a treat to explore. With its ramps and dense foilage, the campus can transform into an oasis of quiet. Its easy for me to believe I'm trekking the Amazon here, so I assume Nino's imagination runs riot here. I take Nino there very often: they've a pond full of mouth-breeders, and Nino can stand and marvel at them for hours together. 'They really bring up their babies in their mouth?,' he asks everytime we go there, subconsciously lingering his gaze at my mouth.
CEE runs some fantastic camps for kids in the summer, and for all my enthusiasm and Nino's as well about the trees and the birds and the bees, the camps are for kids aged 6 years and older. Filled with hours exploring flora and art, there can't be a more satisfying pursuit in the city's notoriously hot summer afternoons.

If you're going, do let us know what it was like!
what fun, NM! I'm older than 6...wish I could go. So what are Nino's plans for the summer? I wish I could all the kids together and do something fun. I have some ideas of things I would love to do.
sounds good. so you have just 3 more years to go before camp-hopping starts :)
may nino have more creature-gaping hours!
Momstir - No concrete plans for Nino, I'm hoping to get him into swimming classes though. In May he's going to walk down the street to a friend's for some pottery: she runs activity classes and insists he's her best help!
Chox - :D 3 years too late! hugs.
My summer camp is open to Ninokins! We're even taking a trip to the ice cream factory. Too bad he's so far away. :0(
i read your total post. It's really nice. thank your for sharing............
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